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Portuguese lessons with Edna Allen

Portuguese lessons with Edna Allen

I would like to offer you online lessons with the face-to-face feeling. I have worked in classrooms in Brazil and in England. Privately in-person and online. I know we can always find a way to bring a lot of the in-person feeling to an online session. Of course, there will be a few things that are irreplaceable, such as human touch, or the before and after class chitchat. However, I believe some of it we can replace by a friendly environment where you can feel comfortable to talk freely and make the most of your time to practice. How would I do that? Let's go step-by-step on how it works to have lessons with me. First of all, get in contact with me :
You can have a leap of faith and book a trial lessons through this website or message me first. You can tell me about your interest in learning Portuguese, as well as your availability for a possible 30-minute trial on Zoom. Click here to book. What happens during our 30-minute trial?
We discuss your current level, learning methods and approaches, material, frequency and dates. We will talk about all your learning concerns and when we start our work. After we have had our trial lesson we will receive your invoice, make payment and start your lessons. Invoice and Payment :
Receive and pay an invoice for your first 5 or more lessons.
You can pay online with a PayPal account, Debit or credit card or a bank transfer. Start lessons :
Meet me again on our preferred videoconferencing application (Zoom, Skype or Google Meet) for a video call at the agreed time for our 60 minute lesson. Hooray!
You can access our lessons using your mobile phone, computer or tablet (downloading chosen application from your app store), What happens during our online lessons?
I meet you on our video call at the agreed time and we start our lessons.
How are the lessons?
I usually start by saying hello and small talk before I share a second screen with you with a warm-up activity (word game, video, music, slang, expressions, or other curiosity about the language or culture). Then, I introduce you to the topic we are going to work on, with lots of pictures and exercise, always making sure you have the chance to put it all to practice.
We use Power Point presentations, books, audio and video files, and reliable online resources. I am happy to discuss resources, pace and change of approaches at any time with you. You will receive a Google Doc link so you can have all notes made during the lesson, including presentation or booklet pages to review and exercise. You will also use this file to write or upload a copy of your homework. You may need to see written examples to understand better. How am I going to write it for you?
As mentioned above, you will have access to a Google Docs file which I will also share on my screen during our sessions. When you use this file for your homework and to answer exercises during lessons, we can work together in understanding all corrections. This way we can guarantee you will get all the chance you need to practice the written form as well as the spoken language. Will you have the chance to speak and to write? Definitely! We will focus on listening and speaking during the lesson, making use of my authentic resources to also practice reading and writing. As mentioned above, we are always going to have homework.
Our homework is an activity that will allow you to practice what you have learnt with me and is relevant to you language needs and interests. In most cases, homework is going to be something meaningful with themes, adding more specific exercises when we both believe it is essential.
I am extremely experienced in getting students to express themselves and speak a lot! I tend to make questions, give examples and talk about my experiences, in order to give you a chance to talk. I always joke that you do not have to tell me the truth. My intention is not to violate your privacy, but to create the perfect environment to build up your vocabulary, practice what you have learnt and more. Do you need to buy any books?
No, you do not.
I make my own material based on what is more current, reliable sources and books. We agree on your lesson plan together. We may rethink your plan at any time if we feel like you need a better challenge. Do you work different shifts? Does your work schedule change? No problem! As long as I still have available time slots for the week ahead, it will be fine. We book weekly lessons you pay monthly. What is your cancellation policy? All cancellations should be done by email. You may reschedule a quarter of your booked lessons. So if you paid for 4 lessons, you will be allowed to reschedule 1 lesson. All other cancellations will be considered as lesson completed. All of my students are able to contact me on WhatsApp to make any questions and may be invited to our Book and Chat Club. They are also offered access to Google Classroom with various exercises and activities. Let me know if I forgot to add any relevant information. Get in contact with me using the form on the bottom of this page. Será um prazer fazer aulas com você! Book your lesson now

Celebrando Nosso Encontro de Intercâmbio de Idiomas!

Celebrando Nosso Encontro de Intercâmbio de Idiomas!

Quero contar mais sobre nossos últimos encontros de troca de idiomas. No último fim de semana, tivemos um momento incrível conectando-nos com pessoas apaixonadas por aprender português! Nosso encontro presencial de troca de idiomas foi um sucesso retumbante, repleto de risadas, aprendizado e um genuíno senso de "estamos no mesmo barco." O evento aconteceu em uma ensolarada manhã de domingo, e nos reunimos no Watershed Bristol para compartilhar nosso amor pelas línguas, especialmente pela nossa cultura brasileira... e capoeira, é claro! E não, eu não fiz capoeira. Nesse sentido, sou um péssimo exemplo de brasileira, com bem pouca "ginga." Destaques do Nosso Encontro de Intercâmbio de Idiomas Conversas Engajantes: Discutimos uma variedade de tópicos, desde nossas experiências com a língua até diferenças culturais e hobbies pessoais. Foi incrível como a conversa fluiu rapidamente e quanto aprendemos uns com os outros. Ensinando e Aprendendo Expressões: Um dos destaques foi a troca de coloquialismos e expressões. Por exemplo, rimos ao aprender a expressão "é dois palitos," que significa "rapidinho" em português. Esses pequenos momentos de descoberta tornaram a sessão ainda mais agradável. Construindo Conexões: Ao final de nossa conversa, fizemos novas conexões. Saímos do encontro com novos amigos e uma compreensão mais profunda da língua e cultura portuguesa. Houve um sentimento unânime de que as mais de duas horas de reunião não foram suficientes, e todos expressaram o desejo de ter mais encontros assim. Olhando para o Futuro: Mais Encontros e Conexões Virtuais Dado o sucesso do nosso encontro e o feedback positivo, estamos empolgados em anunciar que organizaremos mais encontros presenciais em um futuro próximo. Queremos manter o ímpeto e fornecer mais oportunidades para os entusiastas de idiomas se conectarem e aprenderem uns com os outros. Nosso próximo encontro presencial para um café será no dia 6 de julho às 10:30 da manhã, no Watershed café Bristol de novo. Por favor, me diz que você vem! Confirma aqui. No entanto, entendo que muitos dos meus alunos estão espalhados por diferentes continentes. Para garantir que todos possam participar da diversão, também estamos planejando organizar encontros virtuais de troca de idiomas. Essas sessões online permitirão que participantes de qualquer lugar do mundo se juntem às nossas conversas, compartilhem suas experiências e melhorem sua fluência em português e inglês. Participe do Nosso Próximo Encontro Virtual de Troca de Idiomas! Estamos entusiasmados em convidá-lo para o nosso próximo encontro virtual de troca de idiomas! Aqui estão os detalhes: Data e Hora:  11 de junho às 19h (horário de Londres) Duração:  60 minutos (30 minutos em inglês, 30 minutos em português) Plataforma:  Zoom Meetings Tema: Expressando Opinião Clique aqui para reservar sua vaga Neste encontro online de 60 minutos, ajudaremos uns aos outros a falar nossas línguas nativas. Nos primeiros 30 minutos, discutiremos um tópico escolhido aleatoriamente em inglês, e depois trocaremos para português nos próximos 30 minutos. No final do encontro, você receberá as anotações feitas durante a sessão, para poder revisá-las e nunca esquecer! É uma oportunidade fantástica para ensinar e aprender coloquialismos e expressões, e trabalhar juntos na nossa fluência. Organizaremos mais encontros na nossa plataforma esporadicamente, então, não deixe de seguir, curtir e comentar para mostrar seu interesse em participar. Mal podemos esperar para vê-lo lá e continuar essa maravilhosa jornada de aprendizado de idiomas e troca cultural Participe! Não perca a diversão e a chance de melhorar suas habilidades linguísticas com uma comunidade vibrante e solidária. Siga nossa plataforma para atualizações sobre os próximos encontros, tanto presenciais quanto virtuais. Vamos manter a conversa em dia! Até breve! Edna Allen Professora de Língua Portuguesa

Our Latest Language Exchange Meetings

Our Latest Language Exchange Meetings

I want to tell you more about our latest language exchange meetings. Last weekend, we had the most amazing time connecting with people who are passionate about learning Portuguese! Our in-person language exchange meeting was a resounding success, filled with laughter, learning, and a genuine sense of "estamos no mesmo barco" [We are in the same boat]. The event took place on a sunny Sunday morning, and we gathered at Watershed Bristol to share our love for languages, especially for our Brazilian culture... and capoeira, é claro! And no, I didn't do any capoeira. In that sense, I am a terrible example of a Brazilian, lacking a little bit in the "ginga." Highlights from Our Latest Language Exchange Meetings Engaging Conversations: We discussed a variety of topics, from our experience with the language to cultural differences and personal hobbies. It was incredible how quickly the conversation flowed and how much we learned from each other. Teaching and Learning Expressions: One of the highlights was the exchange of colloquialisms and expressions. For instance, we laughed while learning the expression "é dois palitos," which means "real quick" in Portuguese. These small moments of discovery made the session even more enjoyable. Building Connections: By the end of our chat, we had made new connections. We left the meeting with new friends and a deeper understanding of the Portuguese language and culture. There was a unanimous feeling that the over two-hour meeting wasn't enough, and we all expressed a desire to have more such meetings. Looking Ahead: More Meetings and Virtual Connections Given the success of our meeting and the positive feedback, we're excited to announce that we will be organizing more in-person gatherings in the near future. We want to keep the momentum going and provide more opportunities for language enthusiasts to connect and learn from each other. Our next in-person café meeting is on July 6th at 10:30 am at the Watershed café again. Please tell me I will see you there! RSVP here. However, I understand that many of my students are spread across different continents. To ensure everyone can join in on the fun, we are also planning to host virtual language exchange meetings. These online sessions will allow participants from anywhere in the world to join our conversations, share their experiences, and improve their fluency in both Portuguese and English. Join Our Next Virtual Language Exchange Meeting! We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming virtual language exchange meeting! Here are the details: Date and Time: June 11th at 7pm (London time) Duration:  60 minutes (30 minutes in English, 30 minutes in Portuguese) Platform:  Zoom Meetings Theme: Click here to save your spot In this 60-minute online meeting, we will help each other speak our native languages. For the first 30 minutes, we will discuss a randomly chosen topic in English, and then switch to Portuguese for the next 30 minutes. At the end of the meeting, you will get the notes we have made during the session, so you can revisited, and never forget! It's a fantastic opportunity to teach and learn colloquialisms and expressions, and to work on our fluency together. We will be organizing more meetings on our platform sporadically, so be sure to follow, like, and comment to show your interest in joining us. We can't wait to see you there and continue this wonderful journey of language learning and cultural exchange! Join Us! Don't miss out on the fun and the chance to improve your language skills with a vibrant and supportive community. Follow our platform for updates on upcoming meetings, both in-person and virtual. Let's keep the conversation going! See you soon! Edna Allen Portuguese Language Teacher

5 Key Steps to Achieving Language Fluency

5 Key Steps to Achieving Language Fluency

5 Key Steps to Achieving Language Fluency Achieving fluency in a new language is a rewarding journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and effective strategies. Whether you're learning for travel, career advancement, or personal enrichment, mastering a language opens doors to new opportunities and connections. Here are five essential steps to help you on your path to language fluency in Portuguese, English or any other languages: 1.Understand Your Learning Style:  One size does not fit all when it comes to language learning. Take the time to understand how you best absorb new knowledge. Are you a visual learner who benefits from charts and diagrams? Or do you prefer auditory methods such as listening to podcasts or music? Tailoring your learning approach to suit your individual preferences can greatly enhance your language acquisition process. Additionally, finding the right teacher who matches your style and personality can significantly accelerate your learning. A teacher who makes you feel relaxed and comfortable creates an environment conducive to learning, allowing you to absorb information faster and more effectively. A teacher who is afraid of your questions may not be a good match for you.  2. Immerse Yourself:  Exposure is key to language acquisition. Surround yourself with the language as much as possible by watching movies, listening to music, reading books, and engaging with native speakers. Immersion accelerates your learning by providing real-life context and helping you develop an ear for natural language usage. As a Portuguese teacher, I'm dedicated to ensuring my students are fully immersed in the language experience. At Edna Allen Languages, students have access to over 100 engaging activities and exercises on Google Classroom. Plus, you'll find a curated list of films, series, podcasts, and more to keep your practice engaging and fun. 3. Find Language Partners:  Practice makes perfect, and finding language partners is a great way to put your skills into action. Seek out conversation exchanges, language meetups, or online forums where you can connect with native speakers or fellow learners. Practising with others not only reinforces your knowledge but also provides valuable feedback and encouragement. I would like to extend a warm invitation for you to join our occasional social meet-ups, practise Portuguese and English with people from all over the world. Click here to explore our upcoming events. 4. Embrace Mistakes:  Fear of making mistakes is a common barrier to language fluency. However, making errors is an inevitable part of the learning process and an opportunity for growth. Embrace your mistakes as learning opportunities, laugh at them, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Remember, every mistake brings you one step closer to mastery. 5. Enrol in a Structured Course:  While self-study and informal practice are valuable, enrolling in a well-structured language course can provide guidance, accountability, and expert instruction. Look for workshops and courses taught by experienced teachers who understand the nuances of language acquisition and can provide tailored guidance to help you reach your fluency goals.  I highly recommend finding a certified language teacher who surpasses a native speaker in teaching a second language with specialised training in language pedagogy, curriculum development, and educational psychology. Portuguese and English language enthusiasts: Now that you're equipped with these essential steps, it's time to take your language learning journey to the next level. At Edna Allen Languages, we offer private and group courses that are meticulously designed to accelerate your progress and ensure you achieve fluency in your target language. Our courses are led by an experienced teacher who is dedicated to providing personalised instruction and creating a supportive learning environment. Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions or the dynamic interaction of group classes, our courses are tailored to meet your individual needs and learning goals. We can add topics or skip topics, work for longer on subjects you find interesting or tricky, or even look away topics you are certain you will not need to. Well, we may need to discuss its importance though, depending on the subject.  If you're serious about becoming communicative and fluent in your target language, we invite you to join us and experience the difference our courses, workshops and events can make in your language journey. Visit  to learn more and enrol today. Don't let language fluency remain a distant goal — take the first step towards fluency in Portuguese with us. Até breve

Mulheres que falam português: uma enquete

Mulheres que falam português: uma enquete

Oieee, tudo bem? Como você deve ter notado, meu objetivo é criar diversas oportunidades para que os alunos de língua portuguesa pratiquem seus conhecimentos e aprendam algo novo. Quero que todos tenham a oportunidade de abraçar a língua e a cultura num ambiente divertido e descontraído. Por esta razão, estou lançando esta "Mulheres que falam português: uma enquete" Tenho pensado em algumas maneiras super emocionantes de fazer isso acontecer. Preciso da sua contribuição para torná-lo ainda mais especial! Imagine isto: um encontro online para mulheres onde todas nos reunimos, saboreamos umas caipirinhas virtuais (ou o que mais lhe apetecer) e mergulhamos de cabeça nos ritmos portugueses. Parece uma explosão, não é? Não precisa ser apenas para alunos. Talvez pudéssemos ter alguns professores e falantes nativos também se juntando a nós, partilhando os seus conhecimentos e debatendo sobre todos os assuntos relacionados com as nossas vidas. Mas segure o chapéu porque tem mais! Também estou pensando em transformar estas reuniões em um ponto de encontro virtual, um cantinho aconchegante onde mulheres que compartilham a paixão pela língua e cultura portuguesa e brasileira possam relaxar, trocar histórias e formar conexões que vão além de apenas conjugações verbais e listas de vocabulário. Pensei que poderíamos ter reuniões "somente para mulheres". O que você acha? Agora, antes de começarmos a abrir o champanhe, queremos ouvir você! Qual é o melhor momento para você se divertir? Manhã, tarde ou noite? Dias de semana ou fins de semana? (vote abaixo). Queremos garantir que todas possam participar na festa do português! Vou deixar algumas perguntas abaixo e agradeceria muito se você pudesse contribuir com suas opiniões. Lembre-se, estas reuniões aconteceriam no horário de Londres. Se preferir, deixe-nos uma mensagem nos comentários. Muito obrigada e abraços, Edna Allen

Portuguese Speaking Women: a poll

Portuguese Speaking Women: a poll

Oieee, tudo bem? As you may have noticed, I'm all about creating diverse opportunities for Portuguese language learners to practice their knowledge and learn something new. I want everyone to have the chance to embrace language and culture in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. For this reason, I am launching this "Portuguese Speaking Women: a poll" I've been thinking about some super exciting ways to make it happen. I need your input to make it extra special! Imagine this: an online gathering for women where we all come together, sip on some virtual caipirinhas (or whatever tickles your fancy), and dive headfirst into the rhythms of Portuguese. Sounds like a blast, doesn't it? It doesn't need to be only for learners. Perhaps we could have some teachers and native speakers join us as well, sharing their knowledge and having debates about all subjects related to our lives. But hold onto your hat because there's more! I'm also thinking of turning this gathering into a virtual hangout spot, a cosy corner where women who share a passion for Portuguese language and culture can kick back, swap stories, and form connections that go beyond just verb conjugations and vocabulary lists. I thought we could have "Ladies only" meetings. What do you think? Now, before we start popping the champagne, we want to hear from you! When's the best time for you to join in on the fun? Morning, afternoon, or evening? Weekdays or weekends? (please vote below). We want to make sure everyone can join in on the Portuguese party! I am going to leave a few questions below, and I would really appreciate if you could contribute with your opinions. Remember, these meetings would happen on London time. If you prefer, drop us a line in the comments. Big thanks and hugs, Edna Allen

Brazilian New Year’s Traditions and superstitions

Brazilian New Year’s Traditions and superstitions

[This post has been written in both Portuguese and English in the same page to help you who are learning Portuguese. If you prefer to read it in English or in Portuguese, just keep scrolling and you will find each version]. In Portuguese: Tradições e superstições do Ano Novo brasileiro O Brasil é um país cheio de tradições e superstições. Nossas comemorações de Ano Novo são enormes. Organizamos essa grande festa que dura a noite toda em festas de rua, na piscina ou na praia, em qualquer lugar. Nós nos divertimos vibrando todas as boas vibrações e desejando sorte, paz, abundância, amor e muito mais para o ano novo. Afinal, acreditamos que um novo ano pode vir com uma nova vida.  "Ano novo, vida nova!" Lembre-se de que o Brasil é um país vasto e, seja no Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sul ou Sudeste, pode haver costumes locais novos e diferentes. Embora eu tenha nascido e crescido em São Paulo, com família de Pernambuco (Nordeste) e Minas Gerais (Sudeste), talvez eu não conheça todas as tradições de cada região. Vamos nos aprofundar em algumas tradições e superstições do Ano Novo brasileiro. As cores têm significados É tradicional usar cores diferentes na véspera de Ano Novo, sendo que cada cor representa um desejo diferente para o próximo ano. A maioria das pessoas tende a escolher o branco, que é uma herança de nossos ancestrais africanos e afro-brasileiros e representa purificação espiritual e paz. Outras opções de cores populares incluem vermelho, rosa e dourado. Algumas pessoas optam por usar tudo nas cores que representam seus desejos, enquanto outras escolhem apenas a roupa íntima nessa cor especial, com todo o resto em branco.  O que cada cor representa: Branco: desejo de paz e harmonia Azul: tranquilidade e amizade Rosa: amor e romance Preto: poder e elegância Verde: esperança e saúde Laranja: entusiasmo e criatividade Roxo: transformação e conexão espiritual Vermelho: paixão e romance Prata: inovação Amarelo ou dourado: prosperidade financeira e espiritual  Que cor você usaria no próximo Réveillon? Comida tradicional A escolha da comida pode variar de família para família. A maioria das famílias escolhe um pedaço substancial de carne, como peru, bacalhau, frango, carne assada, porco, entre outras, salada, farofa (tipo de refeição feita de mandioca torrada), rabanada e salpicão (salada de frango com maionese, batatas e vegetais).  Minha família costuma arrumar a mesa antes da meia-noite do dia 31 de dezembro como uma representação do nosso desejo de abundância para o próximo ano. Alguns desses alimentos também são significativos para nós. As lentilhas (lentilhas) supostamente nos proporcionam abundância e prosperidade. Disseram-nos que essa tradição é italiana, que foi trazida ao Brasil pelos imigrantes e algumas pessoas acreditam que é assim devido ao seu formato de moeda. A maioria das pessoas vai além e acredita que devemos ficar em um lugar alto, como uma cadeira, mesa ou escada, e comer sete porções. O bacalhau pode ser bastante caro no Brasil. Ele foi trazido para o nosso país pelos portugueses e é uma alternativa ao peru ou ao frango.  Frangos ou Chesters (um frango de tamanho grande, supostamente trazido da Escócia para o Brasil e batizado com esse nome como estratégia de marketing por uma empresa chamada Perdigão) são mais populares nas ceias de Natal. 

Muitas pessoas acreditam em uma superstição que diz que não se deve comer aves no Ano Novo. Elas podem lhe trazer má sorte e regressão, pois são animais que podem ciscar para trás.  O churrasco é uma escolha popular. Se você ainda não comeu churrasco brasileiro, com certeza deveria experimentar. Definitivamente não envolve hambúrgueres; trata-se de comer os melhores cortes de carne, bife e linguiça. 
É uma tradição comer a polpa das romãs e guardar suas sementes, colocando sete delas embrulhadas em papel até o Dia de Reis (6 de janeiro). Depois disso, você pode colocá-las em suas carteiras para atrair riqueza e sorte durante todo o ano.
Algumas pessoas comem uvas no dia de Ano Novo para dar sorte. Essa não é uma tradição em todas as famílias. Minha família, por exemplo, não é uma delas. No entanto, brindamos com espumante.   Tenho certeza de que esqueci alguma coisa. Especialmente porque, mesmo quando não é uma data especial, um simples almoço de domingo com a família terá uma enorme variedade de opções para os mais exigentes. Fogos de artifício A exibição de fogos de artifício é o destaque de nossa noite. Você os verá em todos os lugares, desde pequenos bairros até grandes reuniões na praia.  Se estiver procurando o melhor lugar para assistir aos fogos de artifício e possivelmente a um show ao vivo, sugiro que vá para as principais capitais. A maioria delas oferecerá entrada gratuita com música ao vivo e multidões. As capitais São Paulo e Rio Janeiro, juntamente com Salvador, Bahia, provavelmente terão as maiores multidões, mas os melhores shows. Pessoalmente, não gosto muito de multidões. Portanto, a família e os amigos se reunirem com muita comida e ir para a rua assistir ao festival de luzes no céu é mais do que suficiente para mim.  É importante ter alguém especial ao seu lado para beijar quando os relógios finalmente mudarem e a queima de fogos começar, exatamente como vemos nos filmes. Estou brincando! Não é uma regra, mas quando os casais vão juntos às festas, com certeza comemoram com um beijo, mas depois é provável que se "soltem" e saiam por aí compartilhando abraços com as pessoas ao redor, de preferência familiares e amigos. Mas cuidado com sua carteira. Praia, ondas e ofertas Nunca passei o Réveillon na praia. Provavelmente porque não gosto muito de multidões, e as praias podem ficar bem cheias nessa época. A maioria das pessoas vai à praia, assiste a shows, dança, vê os fogos de artifício, faz suas oferendas e pula sete ondas.  Todos nós acreditamos no poder que o mar tem de renovar nossas energias. No entanto, nem todo mundo sabe que essa tradição é mais uma herança de um ritual da religião afro-brasileira, Candomblé e Umbanda, para celebrar Iemanjá, sua divindade do Oceano.  Para cada onda que você pular, você deve fazer um pedido ou agradecer a Iemanjá por tudo de bom que aconteceu com você ou sua família no ano corrente. Você não deve dar as costas para o mar ou isso lhe trará má sorte. Quando seus pés não estiverem mais tocando a água, então você pode dar as costas e sair. O ato de pular ondas deve purificar espiritualmente e lhe dar resiliência para superar obstáculos futuros. Responda às perguntas abaixo para compartilhar suas experiências e praticar o português: Quais são as principais tradições e superstições de Ano Novo de seu paíse? Que outras tradições e superstições brasileiras você conhece? Como você gosta de começar um novo ano? Você costuma fazer resoluções de ano novo? Deixe sua resposta nos comentários e eu o ajudarei a revisar e/ou responder suas dúvidas e ideias. Você gostou da leitura? Por favor, ajude-me compartilhando e deixando seus comentários. In English: Brazilian New Year’s Traditions and superstitions Brazil is a country full of traditions and superstitions. Our New Year’s  celebrations are massive. We organise this huge festivity that goes all through the night at street parties, by the pool or at the beach, anywhere really. We have fun vibing all good vibes and wishing luck, peace, abundance, love and much more for the new year. After all, we believe a new year can come with a new life.  “Ano novo, vida nova!” (New year, new life!) Keep in mind that Brazil is a vast country, and whether in the North, Northeast, Central, South, or Southeast, there may be new and different local customs. Although I was born and raised in São Paulo with family from Pernambuco (Northeast) and Minas Gerais (Southeast), I may not know all the traditions from every region. Let’s dive into some Brazilian New Year’s Traditions and superstitions.  Colours have meanings
It is traditional to wear different colours on New Year’s Eve with each colour representing a different wish for the upcoming year. Most people tend to choose white, which is an inheritance from our African and Afro-Brazilian ancestors and represents spiritual purification and peace. Other popular colour choices include red, pink and gold. Some opt to wear everything in the colours representing their wishes, while others choose only their underwear in that special colour, with everything else in white.  What which colour represents: Branco > White: wish for peace and harmony Azul > Blue: tranquillity and friendship Rosa > Pink: love and romance Preto > Black: power and elegance Verde > Green: hope and health Laranja > Orange: enthusiasm and creativity Roxo > Purple: transformation and spiritual connection Vermelho > Red: passion and romance Prata > Silver: innovation Amarelo ou dourado > Yellow or gold: financial and spiritual prosperity  What colour would you wear next New Year’s Eve? Traditional food The food choice may vary  from family to family. Most families will choose a substancial piece of meat such as peru, bacalhau, frango, carne assada, porco, entre outras  (turkey, cod, chicken, roast beef, pork, among others), salad, farofa (type of meal made of toasted cassava), rabanada (French toast) and salpicāo (chicken salad with mayonnaise, potatoes and veggies).  My family tends to set the table before midnight on December 31st as a representation of our wish for abundance for the next year. Some of this food  is meaningful for us as well. Lentilhas (lentils) are supposed to provide us with abundance and prosperity. We have been told that this tradition is Italian, it was brought to Brazil by the immigrants, and some people believe it is so due to its coin shape. Most people go beyond and believe we should stand on a high place, such as a chair, table or stairs and eat seven bites of them. Bacalhau (cod) can be quite expensive in Brazil. It was brought to our country by the Portuguese and is an alternative to turkey or to chicken.
Frangos (chicken) or Chesters (a large size chicken, supposedly brought to Brazil from Scotland, and named as such as a marketing strategy by a company called Perdigão) are more popular for Christmas dinners. A lot of people believe in a superstition which says that we should not eat poultry at the New Year’s. They can bring you bad luck and regression because they are animals that can scratch backward.
Barbecue is a popular choice. If you have not eaten Brazilian barbecue yet, you should definitely give it a try. It definitely does not involve burgers; it is about having the best cuts of the meat, beef and sausages.  It is a tradition to eat the pulp of romãs (pomegranates) and keep their seeds, placing seven of them wrapped in paper until O Dia de Reis (Day of Kings, January 6th). After that, you can put them in your wallets to attract wealth and luck all through the year. Some people would eat uvas (grapes) on New Year’s day to bring them luck. That is not a tradition in all families. My family, for instance, is not one of them. We do toast with Espumante  (Sparkling wine) though.   I am sure I have forgotten something. Especially because even when it is not a special date, a simple Sunday lunch with the family will have a huge variety of options for the fussiest eaters.  Fireworks The fireworks display is the highlight of our night. You are going to see them everywhere, from small neighbourhoods to huge gatherings at the beach.  If you are looking for the best place to watch the fireworks and possibly a live concert, I suggest you head towards the main capital cities. Most of them will provide free entrance with live music and massive crowds. São Paulo and Rio Janeiro capital cities, along with Salvador, Bahia, are likely to have the biggest crowds but the best shows. Personally, I am not much into crowds. So, the family and friends get together with lots of food and go out to the street to watch the festival of lights in the sky is more than enough for me.  It is important to have someone special by your side to kiss when the clocks finally change and the fireworks display starts, just like we see in the films. I’m joking! It is not a rule, but when couples go together to the parties they will definitely celebrate with a kiss, but then, it is likely that they are going to “let go” and go around sharing hugs with people around, preferably family and friends. Mind your wallet though. Beach, waves and offerings I have never spent Réveillon at the beach. Probably because I am not keen on crowds, and the beaches can get pretty busy then. Most people go to the beach, watch concerts, dance, watch the fireworks displays, make their offerings and jump seven waves.  We all believe in the power the sea has to renew our energies. However, not everyone knows that this tradition is another inheritance from a ritual in the Afro-Brazilian religion, Candomblé and Umbanda, to celebrate Iemanjá, their Ocean deity.  For each wave you jump, you must make a wish or thank Iemanjá for everything good that happened to you or your family in the current year. You must not turn your back to the sea or it will turn into bad luck to you. When your feet are not touching the water anymore, than you can turn your back and leave. The act of jumping waves is supposed to spiritually purify and give you resilience to overcome future obstacles.  Answer the questions below to share your experiences and practise Portuguese:
What are your country's main New Year's Traditions and Superstitions? Which other Brazilian traditions and superstitions do you know? How do you like to start a new year? Do you usually make new years' resolutions? Leave your answer on the comments and I will help you review and/or answer your questions and ideas. Did you enjoy the reading? Please help me by sharing and leaving your comments

Brazilian New Year’s Traditions and superstitions

Brazilian New Year’s Traditions and superstitions

[This post has been written in both Portuguese and English in the same page to help you who are learning Portuguese. If you prefer to read it in English or in Portuguese, just keep scrolling and you will find each version]. In Portuguese: Tradições e superstições do Ano Novo brasileiro O Brasil é um país cheio de tradições e superstições. Nossas comemorações de Ano Novo são enormes. Organizamos essa grande festa que dura a noite toda em festas de rua, na piscina ou na praia, em qualquer lugar. Nós nos divertimos vibrando todas as boas vibrações e desejando sorte, paz, abundância, amor e muito mais para o ano novo. Afinal, acreditamos que um novo ano pode vir com uma nova vida.  "Ano novo, vida nova!" Lembre-se de que o Brasil é um país vasto e, seja no Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sul ou Sudeste, pode haver costumes locais novos e diferentes. Embora eu tenha nascido e crescido em São Paulo, com família de Pernambuco (Nordeste) e Minas Gerais (Sudeste), talvez eu não conheça todas as tradições de cada região. Vamos nos aprofundar em algumas tradições e superstições do Ano Novo brasileiro. As cores têm significados É tradicional usar cores diferentes na véspera de Ano Novo, sendo que cada cor representa um desejo diferente para o próximo ano. A maioria das pessoas tende a escolher o branco, que é uma herança de nossos ancestrais africanos e afro-brasileiros e representa purificação espiritual e paz. Outras opções de cores populares incluem vermelho, rosa e dourado. Algumas pessoas optam por usar tudo nas cores que representam seus desejos, enquanto outras escolhem apenas a roupa íntima nessa cor especial, com todo o resto em branco.  O que cada cor representa: Branco: desejo de paz e harmonia Azul: tranquilidade e amizade Rosa: amor e romance Preto: poder e elegância Verde: esperança e saúde Laranja: entusiasmo e criatividade Roxo: transformação e conexão espiritual Vermelho: paixão e romance Prata: inovação Amarelo ou dourado: prosperidade financeira e espiritual  Que cor você usaria no próximo Réveillon? Comida tradicional A escolha da comida pode variar de família para família. A maioria das famílias escolhe um pedaço substancial de carne, como peru, bacalhau, frango, carne assada, porco, entre outras, salada, farofa (tipo de refeição feita de mandioca torrada), rabanada e salpicão (salada de frango com maionese, batatas e vegetais).  Minha família costuma arrumar a mesa antes da meia-noite do dia 31 de dezembro como uma representação do nosso desejo de abundância para o próximo ano. Alguns desses alimentos também são significativos para nós. As lentilhas (lentilhas) supostamente nos proporcionam abundância e prosperidade. Disseram-nos que essa tradição é italiana, que foi trazida ao Brasil pelos imigrantes e algumas pessoas acreditam que é assim devido ao seu formato de moeda. A maioria das pessoas vai além e acredita que devemos ficar em um lugar alto, como uma cadeira, mesa ou escada, e comer sete porções. O bacalhau pode ser bastante caro no Brasil. Ele foi trazido para o nosso país pelos portugueses e é uma alternativa ao peru ou ao frango.  Frangos ou Chesters (um frango de tamanho grande, supostamente trazido da Escócia para o Brasil e batizado com esse nome como estratégia de marketing por uma empresa chamada Perdigão) são mais populares nas ceias de Natal. 

Muitas pessoas acreditam em uma superstição que diz que não se deve comer aves no Ano Novo. Elas podem lhe trazer má sorte e regressão, pois são animais que podem ciscar para trás.  O churrasco é uma escolha popular. Se você ainda não comeu churrasco brasileiro, com certeza deveria experimentar. Definitivamente não envolve hambúrgueres; trata-se de comer os melhores cortes de carne, bife e linguiça. 
É uma tradição comer a polpa das romãs e guardar suas sementes, colocando sete delas embrulhadas em papel até o Dia de Reis (6 de janeiro). Depois disso, você pode colocá-las em suas carteiras para atrair riqueza e sorte durante todo o ano.
Algumas pessoas comem uvas no dia de Ano Novo para dar sorte. Essa não é uma tradição em todas as famílias. Minha família, por exemplo, não é uma delas. No entanto, brindamos com espumante.   Tenho certeza de que esqueci alguma coisa. Especialmente porque, mesmo quando não é uma data especial, um simples almoço de domingo com a família terá uma enorme variedade de opções para os mais exigentes. Fogos de artifício A exibição de fogos de artifício é o destaque de nossa noite. Você os verá em todos os lugares, desde pequenos bairros até grandes reuniões na praia.  Se estiver procurando o melhor lugar para assistir aos fogos de artifício e possivelmente a um show ao vivo, sugiro que vá para as principais capitais. A maioria delas oferecerá entrada gratuita com música ao vivo e multidões. As capitais São Paulo e Rio Janeiro, juntamente com Salvador, Bahia, provavelmente terão as maiores multidões, mas os melhores shows. Pessoalmente, não gosto muito de multidões. Portanto, a família e os amigos se reunirem com muita comida e ir para a rua assistir ao festival de luzes no céu é mais do que suficiente para mim.  É importante ter alguém especial ao seu lado para beijar quando os relógios finalmente mudarem e a queima de fogos começar, exatamente como vemos nos filmes. Estou brincando! Não é uma regra, mas quando os casais vão juntos às festas, com certeza comemoram com um beijo, mas depois é provável que se "soltem" e saiam por aí compartilhando abraços com as pessoas ao redor, de preferência familiares e amigos. Mas cuidado com sua carteira. Praia, ondas e ofertas Nunca passei o Réveillon na praia. Provavelmente porque não gosto muito de multidões, e as praias podem ficar bem cheias nessa época. A maioria das pessoas vai à praia, assiste a shows, dança, vê os fogos de artifício, faz suas oferendas e pula sete ondas.  Todos nós acreditamos no poder que o mar tem de renovar nossas energias. No entanto, nem todo mundo sabe que essa tradição é mais uma herança de um ritual da religião afro-brasileira, Candomblé e Umbanda, para celebrar Iemanjá, sua divindade do Oceano.  Para cada onda que você pular, você deve fazer um pedido ou agradecer a Iemanjá por tudo de bom que aconteceu com você ou sua família no ano corrente. Você não deve dar as costas para o mar ou isso lhe trará má sorte. Quando seus pés não estiverem mais tocando a água, então você pode dar as costas e sair. O ato de pular ondas deve purificar espiritualmente e lhe dar resiliência para superar obstáculos futuros. Responda às perguntas abaixo para compartilhar suas experiências e praticar o português: Quais são as principais tradições e superstições de Ano Novo de seu paíse? Que outras tradições e superstições brasileiras você conhece? Como você gosta de começar um novo ano? Você costuma fazer resoluções de ano novo? Deixe sua resposta nos comentários e eu o ajudarei a revisar e/ou responder suas dúvidas e ideias. Você gostou da leitura? Por favor, ajude-me compartilhando e deixando seus comentários. In English: Brazilian New Year’s Traditions and superstitions Brazil is a country full of traditions and superstitions. Our New Year’s  celebrations are massive. We organise this huge festivity that goes all through the night at street parties, by the pool or at the beach, anywhere really. We have fun vibing all good vibes and wishing luck, peace, abundance, love and much more for the new year. After all, we believe a new year can come with a new life.  “Ano novo, vida nova!” (New year, new life!) Keep in mind that Brazil is a vast country, and whether in the North, Northeast, Central, South, or Southeast, there may be new and different local customs. Although I was born and raised in São Paulo with family from Pernambuco (Northeast) and Minas Gerais (Southeast), I may not know all the traditions from every region. Let’s dive into some Brazilian New Year’s Traditions and superstitions.  Colours have meanings
It is traditional to wear different colours on New Year’s Eve with each colour representing a different wish for the upcoming year. Most people tend to choose white, which is an inheritance from our African and Afro-Brazilian ancestors and represents spiritual purification and peace. Other popular colour choices include red, pink and gold. Some opt to wear everything in the colours representing their wishes, while others choose only their underwear in that special colour, with everything else in white.  What which colour represents: Branco > White: wish for peace and harmony Azul > Blue: tranquillity and friendship Rosa > Pink: love and romance Preto > Black: power and elegance Verde > Green: hope and health Laranja > Orange: enthusiasm and creativity Roxo > Purple: transformation and spiritual connection Vermelho > Red: passion and romance Prata > Silver: innovation Amarelo ou dourado > Yellow or gold: financial and spiritual prosperity  What colour would you wear next New Year’s Eve? Traditional food The food choice may vary  from family to family. Most families will choose a substancial piece of meat such as peru, bacalhau, frango, carne assada, porco, entre outras  (turkey, cod, chicken, roast beef, pork, among others), salad, farofa (type of meal made of toasted cassava), rabanada (French toast) and salpicāo (chicken salad with mayonnaise, potatoes and veggies).  My family tends to set the table before midnight on December 31st as a representation of our wish for abundance for the next year. Some of this food  is meaningful for us as well. Lentilhas (lentils) are supposed to provide us with abundance and prosperity. We have been told that this tradition is Italian, it was brought to Brazil by the immigrants, and some people believe it is so due to its coin shape. Most people go beyond and believe we should stand on a high place, such as a chair, table or stairs and eat seven bites of them. Bacalhau (cod) can be quite expensive in Brazil. It was brought to our country by the Portuguese and is an alternative to turkey or to chicken.
Frangos (chicken) or Chesters (a large size chicken, supposedly brought to Brazil from Scotland, and named as such as a marketing strategy by a company called Perdigão) are more popular for Christmas dinners. A lot of people believe in a superstition which says that we should not eat poultry at the New Year’s. They can bring you bad luck and regression because they are animals that can scratch backward.
Barbecue is a popular choice. If you have not eaten Brazilian barbecue yet, you should definitely give it a try. It definitely does not involve burgers; it is about having the best cuts of the meat, beef and sausages.  It is a tradition to eat the pulp of romãs (pomegranates) and keep their seeds, placing seven of them wrapped in paper until O Dia de Reis (Day of Kings, January 6th). After that, you can put them in your wallets to attract wealth and luck all through the year. Some people would eat uvas (grapes) on New Year’s day to bring them luck. That is not a tradition in all families. My family, for instance, is not one of them. We do toast with Espumante  (Sparkling wine) though.   I am sure I have forgotten something. Especially because even when it is not a special date, a simple Sunday lunch with the family will have a huge variety of options for the fussiest eaters.  Fireworks The fireworks display is the highlight of our night. You are going to see them everywhere, from small neighbourhoods to huge gatherings at the beach.  If you are looking for the best place to watch the fireworks and possibly a live concert, I suggest you head towards the main capital cities. Most of them will provide free entrance with live music and massive crowds. São Paulo and Rio Janeiro capital cities, along with Salvador, Bahia, are likely to have the biggest crowds but the best shows. Personally, I am not much into crowds. So, the family and friends get together with lots of food and go out to the street to watch the festival of lights in the sky is more than enough for me.  It is important to have someone special by your side to kiss when the clocks finally change and the fireworks display starts, just like we see in the films. I’m joking! It is not a rule, but when couples go together to the parties they will definitely celebrate with a kiss, but then, it is likely that they are going to “let go” and go around sharing hugs with people around, preferably family and friends. Mind your wallet though. Beach, waves and offerings I have never spent Réveillon at the beach. Probably because I am not keen on crowds, and the beaches can get pretty busy then. Most people go to the beach, watch concerts, dance, watch the fireworks displays, make their offerings and jump seven waves.  We all believe in the power the sea has to renew our energies. However, not everyone knows that this tradition is another inheritance from a ritual in the Afro-Brazilian religion, Candomblé and Umbanda, to celebrate Iemanjá, their Ocean deity.  For each wave you jump, you must make a wish or thank Iemanjá for everything good that happened to you or your family in the current year. You must not turn your back to the sea or it will turn into bad luck to you. When your feet are not touching the water anymore, than you can turn your back and leave. The act of jumping waves is supposed to spiritually purify and give you resilience to overcome future obstacles.  Answer the questions below to share your experiences and practise Portuguese:
What are your country's main New Year's Traditions and Superstitions? Which other Brazilian traditions and superstitions do you know? How do you like to start a new year? Do you usually make new years' resolutions? Leave your answer on the comments and I will help you review and/or answer your questions and ideas. Did you enjoy the reading? Please help me by sharing and leaving your comments

Online Portuguese Course for Beginners

Online Portuguese Course for Beginners

Bom dia, tudo bem? Let me share with you the story behind the creation of the amazing online Portuguese course for beginners I have been designing for you, and the passion that drives it. From individual to group classes As my roster of one-on-one students expands, I've made my course accessible for group sessions in the evenings. To meet this demand and create a space where individuals can delve into the basics of Portuguese, I decided to curate a course that goes beyond the conventional. Course goal My primary goal with this course is to equip learners with fundamental language skills, fostering a solid foundation. Why, you might ask? Well, envision practising capoeira  or engaging in heartfelt conversations with Brazilian friends and family . These experiences become infinitely more enriching when grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the Portuguese language. The easy versus the tricky part Now, designing the course structure, selecting the right language elements, and establishing a coherent curriculum—these aspects, while challenging, are the more straightforward components. The real puzzle I've encountered lies in the realm of marketing—the art of extending a warm invitation to potential learners. I feel like I can never show all my colours when I press the record button in vídeos What students would say If you were to ask my students, they'd likely describe me and my courses as knowledgeable, fun, and entertaining. Yet, despite this positive feedback, I find myself grappling with a particular aspect—the moment I hit the record button. Crafting videos and posts to showcase who I am and what I bring to the table has proven to be a unique challenge. Join the journey This journey is not just about imparting language skills; it's about creating a community of learners eager to explore the richness of Brazilian culture and communication. So, whether you're drawn to the rhythmic beats of Capoeira  or eager to connect more deeply with Brazilian friends and family , this course is designed with you in mind.  Would you like to have a meetup session organised before the official course start? Let me know. And tell us in the comments what you would like to know about the course. Join us on this linguistic adventure clicking here.

Comunidade de apoio a professores de português

Comunidade de apoio a professores de português

Quero convidar meus colegas para criar uma comunidade de apoio a professores de português como língua estrangeira PLE. A ideia é ter um espaço onde os professores possam usar para tirar dúvidas, pedir ou dar sugestões, indicar ou pedir dicas de recursos com outros colegas mais experientes. Se percebemos que a comunicade criada está ativa, podemos organizar reuniões e workshops virtuais via Zoom. Tenho uma boa experiência criando apresentações em PowerPoint dinâmicas e responsivas (botões, animações, entre outros). Se os colegas estiverem interessados, posso organizar um workshop que aprensente como criar e usar algumas destas funções do PowerPoint. Outros participantes do grupo podem também se oferecer para organizar workshops e reuniões e, quando disponível, posso seder o espaço no Zoom como co-host. O que você acha? Quer participar desta comunidade? Deixe sua resposta nos comentários e junte-se ao nosso grupo clicando aqui . Você vai precisar criar uma conta e responder a algumas perguntas, mas a participação é totalmente gratuita. Se tiver qualquer dúvida, deixe nos comentários que eu responderei. Desta forma, outros que possam ter a mesma dúvida também ficarão sabendo. Até mais Edna Allen

Comunidade de apoio a professores de português

Comunidade de apoio a professores de português

Quero convidar meus colegas para criar uma comunidade de apoio a professores de português como língua estrangeira PLE. A ideia é ter um espaço onde os professores possam usar para tirar dúvidas, pedir ou dar sugestões, indicar ou pedir dicas de recursos com outros colegas mais experientes. Se percebemos que a comunicade criada está ativa, podemos organizar reuniões e workshops virtuais via Zoom. Tenho uma boa experiência criando apresentações em PowerPoint dinâmicas e responsivas (botões, animações, entre outros). Se os colegas estiverem interessados, posso organizar um workshop que aprensente como criar e usar algumas destas funções do PowerPoint. Outros participantes do grupo podem também se oferecer para organizar workshops e reuniões e, quando disponível, posso seder o espaço no Zoom como co-host. O que você acha? Quer participar desta comunidade? Deixe sua resposta nos comentários e junte-se ao nosso grupo clicando aqui . Você vai precisar criar uma conta e responder a algumas perguntas, mas a participação é totalmente gratuita. Se tiver qualquer dúvida, deixe nos comentários que eu responderei. Desta forma, outros que possam ter a mesma dúvida também ficarão sabendo. Até mais Edna Allen

Essential Devices and Tools for Online Teaching

Essential Devices and Tools for Online Teaching

Navigating the Virtual Classroom: Essential Devices and Tools for Online Teaching Excellence {Contain affiliate links] In the ever-evolving landscape of education, online teaching has become an integral part of the learning experience. As an online teacher, having the right devices, gadgets, systems, and applications is crucial for delivering quality tuition. Let's delve into the essential Devices and Tools for Online Teaching that can elevate your online teaching game. 1. Reliable Devices : The Foundation of Virtual Instruction a. Laptop or Desktop Computer: A robust computer is your primary workhorse. Choose a device with sufficient processing power, a clear display, and a reliable webcam for seamless communication. I personally use an HP Spectre x360 , but I was a lot happier when I had my Dell Inspiron 15 . You don't necessarily need a computer with so much space. In my case, I chose a 1TB computer because I have almost 20 years worth class plans and resources. I do need to clean up a little bit and let go of some files tough. Click here to see a laptop similar to the one I use . An extra, external monitor is not essential but I do use one. It make it a lot easier to separate what I want my students to see. They don't really need to keep looking at all the programs and applications I keep on my background or taskbar. I use a HUAWEI AD80HW Display 24 Inch Monitor Full HD and it makes it easier on my eyes as well. Especially considering the long hours I spend looking at it. Click here to see the external monitor I use . b. Tablet or Digital Writing Pad: For subjects that involve visual explanations or drawing, a tablet or digital writing pad can be an invaluable addition, allowing you to illustrate concepts in real-time. I would say that, depending on the focus of your online courses, having a tablet on the side is not essential. For maths, for instance, or if need to use handwriting and drawing having a tablet would be a must. You can simply connect your tablet to your computer and/or communication application and have what you are drawing presented on screen for your audience to see. Whenever needed, I pair my iPad 9th Generation to my laptop and have drawing games or activities done with my students. As you can tell, this tablet is not the newest or latest version, but totally does the job. Click here to see the tablet I use . 2. Cutting-Edge Gadgets: Enhancing Interactivity and Engagement a. Quality Webcam: Invest in a high-definition webcam to ensure clear video quality. A good camera can significantly impact the overall experience for your students. As for a webcam, I use a Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam HD . Although the built-in can that comes with my laptop is not that bad, Logitech C922 Pro  has features and a high quality I cannot get with the buit-in camera. The auto zoom, for instance, is a great feature if you are considering recording your lessons to possibly put it out there, on Youtube or any of the offline programs. Click here to see the webcam I use . b. Noise-Cancelling Headset: Create a focused and distraction-free environment with noise-cancelling headphones. This gadget ensures that your voice comes across crystal clear, enhancing communication. At the moment, I have a MPow PA071A which I have had for at least 2 years, and I am very happy with it. Its cushion is starting to wear off now but, considering how much I have used it for these many years, it is not surprising. Its quality is great, it does the job, and I love it for having this control that allows me to mute it when I have a cold and need to sneeze or cough. Nobody deserves to keep listening to their teacher sneeze or cough. The Jabra Evolve 40 MS Stereo Headset is in my wish list for next. The fact that it is wired does not bother me. I usually go for those headsets with a control. I know we can mute ourselves on most communication applications we use but having the control physically in my hands gives me extra insurance. Perhaps you are the type of teacher who moves around a little bit more in class, who needs to walk to whiteboard. If so, I recommend the Jabra Evolve 65 SE Wireless . Click here to see my next headset and click here for the wireless headset . 3. Robust Systems: Creating a Seamless Teaching Environment a. Stable Internet Connection: A reliable and high-speed internet connection is non-negotiable. It ensures uninterrupted lessons and a smooth virtual classroom experience. I have recently upgraded my internet connection which is at this very moment running WiFi at 308 mbps. You do not need to have such fast connection to have a good enough quality live session with your students. However, if you cannot invest in this sort of high speed service, I would recommend you to connect your computer directly to your modem using one of these ethernet cables , or you can have a WiFi booster , if you are not close to your modem. Click here to see ethernet cables recommended and click here to see a good WiFi booster . b. Backup Power Supply: Power outages can disrupt your lessons. Having a backup power supply, like an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), ensures continuity in case of unexpected disruptions. So far, I have only had a power cut that made me cut my lesson short once. I was able to hotspot my mobile connection to my laptop and my laptop battery charge was enough to keep us working until the end of the session. Having a backup power bank such as this AC Outlet Portable Laptop Power Bank could be the solution. This outlet could also be a good insurance if you are a nomad teacher, traveling around the world and teaching from different spots. Click here to see this outlet power bank . 4. Dynamic Applications: Tools for Interactive and Engaging Classes a. Video Conferencing Platforms: Select a user-friendly video conferencing platform that supports features like screen sharing, breakout rooms, and interactive whiteboards. Popular choices include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet. I personally use Zoom. It is a good investment for a good quality platform with whiteboards, apps and everything I need in one place, sometimes a lot more than I need. If I could, I would ask them the ability to select the features I want on my application because it is so much , and I do not use all of it. If you are on a budget and prefer not to spend with conferencing platforms, Microsoft Teams have been the choice for a lot of educators. b. Interactive Whiteboard Software: Enhance your teaching materials with interactive whiteboard applications like BitPaper or Explain Everything. These tools enable you to draw diagrams, annotate, and engage students visually. With Zoom Meetings I have a great whiteboard and I only use in very few specific cases. As I said earlier, if you use a tablet, you can coonect it to your laptop and transform it in a whiteboard using the share screen feature of your conferencing platform. I have heard that the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 is a quite popular tablet, but I will stick to my old iPad 9th Generation. Click here to see the Galaxy and Click here to see the tablet I use . c. Learning Management System (LMS): Implementing an LMS like Moodle or Canvas can help you organize course materials, assessments, and track student progress effectively. I have used LMS before and I have access to grogram platform here on my own website. However, if you do not access to one, you can adapt features you have in our own computer with MS Office or the ones in Google [Google Docs, Google Classroom , etc.]. Sharing access to them with your students is really easy. d. Communication Tools: Utilize messaging and collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom for efficient communication with students outside of class hours. I chose Google Classroom and a simple organization on my Gmail contact list. The best thing is it not costing a thing. 5. Ergonomic Setup: Prioritizing Comfort for Extended Teaching Hours a. Comfortable Chair and Desk: Invest in an ergonomic chair and desk to ensure comfort during long teaching sessions. Maintaining good posture is essential for overall well-being. Let's not forget that even if you do have the most comfortable chair and desk, you should still have breaks, stretch your legs and move a little bit. I have to say that my current chair and desk are not the most comfortable. I have added the following desk and chair to my wish list, so check it out how it would a dream come true. Click here to see my dream chair and click here to see my dream desk . b. Adequate Lighting: Proper lighting is key for a clear video presence. Position yourself with natural or well-distributed artificial light to avoid shadows and enhance visibility. I would choose a good LED desk lamp or white(ish) like to the room where you are teaching. Good lighting makes us look more presentable at times. A bright LED desk lamp would make it easy for you to read any notes you might have on your desk, and it would also make you look better on screen for you audience to see. Click here to see this cool lamp I recommend . Equipped for Educational Excellence In the realm of online teaching, having the right devices, gadgets, systems, and applications is the key to providing a seamless and enriching learning experience. As technology continues to advance, staying updated with the latest tools and platforms will ensure that you remain at the forefront of online education. Invest wisely, prioritize student engagement, and create a virtual classroom that fosters learning and growth. With the right setup, you're not just teaching; you're transforming the digital learning landscape. If you want to know more about my practice, systems and how I work, leave a comment or DM me. Até mais Edna Allen This article has affiliate links

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